The Arctic Youth Network strives to connect young people around the Arctic and the world, while providing them with the tools and experience they need to create change locally and internationally.

What is this all for? AYN members came together and determined barriers to action facing Arctic youth today:
- Lack of access to opportunities, resources, and information
- Lack of communication and collaboration between Arctic regions
- Physical and social Isolation
Learn how we carry out our commitment to supporting our members' vision and passion.
The AYN aims to connect youth across borders and cultures for meaningful collaboration and exchange. When youth work together, amazing things happen.
- Communications platform: active social media network and dynamic website to facilitate sharing stories of members’ actions and encourage collaboration
- Working Groups: thematic spaces for collaboration and project development
- The Exchange: in-house publishing platform for sharing content by youth, engaging over 25 writers and editors, with shareable publications tailored for the program’s diverse and wide-reaching partner organizations
- Tailored assistance in youth-led project development and fundraising
Building youth capacity for leadership and effective action allows youth to make change their own way. With education and experience, they can harness what they learn and apply it to their own initiatives.
- Opportunity aggregation: resources and programming shared with members by bringing together available opportunities from across the Arctic
- Youth-involvement services for organizations and institutions: assistance for organizations in actively engaging and incorporating youth into their ongoing projects, advisory councils, networks, and events
- Conference participation: funding the participation of youth at relevant conferences and developing youth panels or sessions as a component of these gatherings
The AYN is committed to ensuring Arctic youth are safe in all their activities with the organization. Read our Policy Statement on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.
Arctic Directions: Spain
This is about an active player in the Arctic - Spain. Authors: Pavel Tkach & Elena Kavanagh Special thanks to Adrià Medina i Altarriba - [...]
Summit of the Future 2024: Youth Leadership at the Forefront of Global Resilience
The upcoming Summit for the Future (22-23 September) promises to be revolutionary for the youth. It is a global platform focused on long-term resilience sustainability [...]
Cities of the Arctic Youth: Whitehorse, Canada
This is about the Yukon capital – city of sport. Authors: Rebecca Rogers & Pavel Tkach - Arctic Youth Network One of the major challenges [...]
People of the Arctic – Communities of the Arctic: Priscilla “Aumaqpaq” Frankson
This series is about people and their culture only…without politics. Please tell about yourself. What do you do? Where do you live? Where are you [...]
Cities of the Arctic Youth: Rovaniemi, Finland
This is about a Christmas capital – city of changes. One of the major challenges faced by the Arctic region is the constant struggle against [...]
People of the Arctic – Communities of the Arctic: Zoe Okleasik
This series is about people and their culture only...without politics The Arctic Youth Network acknowledges that the knowledge and experience presented here is ownership of [...]